TDK InvenSense

InvenSense, Inc, a TDK Group Company: InvenSense is part of the Sensor System Business Company within TDK and is the industry leader in MEMS Motion, Audio, and Pressure Solutions for the consumer, industrial, automotive, and IoT market segments. With a very robust portfolio of MEMS 3/6/7/9 axis motion sensors, accompanied by the highest performing MEMS audio microphones, and pressure sensors - TDK continues to push the boundaries of performance and quality; setting new standards of innovation across multiple industries.

Featured Products by TDK InvenSense

DK-45605 Development Kit for ICM-45605 IMU

DK-45605 Development Kit for ICM-45605 IMU

This comprehensive platform enables quick development and evaluation of the ICM-45605.

EV_ICM-45686 Evaluation Board for ICM-45686 IMU

EV_ICM-45686 Evaluation Board for ICM-45686 IMU

Designed to assess the ICM-45686 IMU, built around the microchip technology SAMG55 microcontroller.

EV_IAM-20381HT Eval Board for IAM-20381HT MEMS

EV_IAM-20381HT Eval Board for IAM-20381HT MEMS

Fully assembled and tested to enable simple and fast evaluation of the IAM-20381HT.

ICM-45686 Premium Performance IMU

ICM-45686 Premium Performance IMU

BalancedGyro™ technology, a low 6-axis current rating of 220µA, and high FSR at 4000dps and 32g.